7 Manifesting Tips No One Told Me About Manifesting

personal energy May 04, 2020
7 Manifesting MIstakes

Did anyone ever tell you these things about manifesting and visualization? I wish someone had told me #6


Whether you are a total beginner, a ‘toe-dipper’ dipper or total skeptical – when it comes to manifesting, there are some things that you must know in order to make it work for you.


So often people become overwhelmed, or underwhelmed, when manifesting because they have a misunderstanding of how it really works, or they don’t believe it can work for them.


In today's blog post I am going to break down 7 things I wish I had known about manifesting before I started 8 years ago.


Hopefully these tips will help you to better understand how manifesting works and get you on board with how amazing this self-development tool – because yes, it is a self development tool for your overall wellness - can be in your life!


Before we Dive in – If you are ready to kickstart your manifesting journey and have a personal guide along the way – I encourage you to sign up for my free 5 day manifesting 101 challenge where you will learn the scientific reasons and tips you can start using today to get aligned with your desires!


Now onto the list:



7 Manifesting Tips You Need to Know To Manifest Desires Into Your Life


1. There is a science behind manifesting.

So often people do not use manifesting in their life because they immediately link it to spirituality or pseudo-science. They close off the idea of it before even understanding it because they need more validation or proof

The great news is neuroscience and biology have shown us (and continue to show us) the power in which our thoughts and emotions have on our life and how they can literally re-wire our brains. So for all those logical left-brainers out there – manifesting should not be turned away because it is “too out there” for you. Some of the most successful actors, thought leaders and athletes all use manifestation or as the scientific world like to call is “mental rehearsal “ in their lives. So if you are serious about leveling your personal development and attaining your goals – manifesting is not to be poo-pood any longer.



2. You MUST write it down and get clear on what you want.

The power of physically writing things down has been shown time and time again. When we physically write things in a journal or notebook we are more likely to attain them. Writing things down not only helps us to get clear, but provides us with something to reflect back onto as a reminder to reinforce our desires into our lives. So, don’t just think about your ideal life – write it down.  ↠ I walk you through this process (with examples) in my FREE manifesting course which you can SIGN UP FOR HERE. 



3. You must connect emotions to it 

Researchers at the HeartMath Institute of California and thought leaders like Dr. Joe Dispenza tell us the power of connecting an emotion to your desires not only raises your energetic vibration but also re-wires your brain. The fascinating studies of the heart-brain connection is growing as more and more nuerocardiologists are sharing the power of brain – heart coherence.

By imagining yourself in a situation and allowing yourself to feel all the feels you are up leveling your manifestation journey and aligning yourself with your desired life – re-wiring your brain to what you WANT to feel and have.



4. You have to do the inner work

Okay, this is the “unglamourous” side of manifesting. Yet one of the MOST Important aspects. Our brains are hardwired to be skeptical and stay stuck in our patterned self-limiting beliefs.

So often when people begin to manifest, they are “blocked”; blocked by years of self-limiting beliefs they hold about themselves, what they are worthy of or what they can or cannot have. In order to have success with manifesting you have to start to first, become aware of your beliefs that are keeping you stuck and second, to start challenging those bad boys.

No one is going to do this step but you; but, you can get help with it. With my background in Social Work and love for energetic psychology and biology - I will help you to uncover and challenge these blocks in my Free Manifesting 101 course. 



5. Manic Manifesting does not work 

What the heck is manic manifesting? Manic manifesting is when you focus on your goal too intensely and start getting down on yourself when it has not happened yet. You start to get yourself all hyped up - wishing, hoping, and obsessing over your manifestation and wanting it yesterday. This does not help in your journey.

Yes, you need to incorporate visualization and think about what you want to manifest into your life, but you cannot let yourself obsess over it… I have done this a many times and still struggle with it sometimes – but it is important to accept that you have to let go of some of the need to control. Which brings me to point 6.


6. Surrendering is the hardest part

This is by far one of the hardest parts of manifesting. Surrendering. Letting go. So many of us have a tendency to want, and need, and control. We want to understand and know each detail of how and why things are happening. However, the thing about manifesting is that we can control certain things – like the thoughts we put into our heads, the self-limiting beliefs that we are challenging, the aligned actions we take towards our goals – but we cannot dictate and control how it all unfolds. There has to be a little bit of surrendering on your part in order to really have manifesting in your life. Your have to believe that your manifesting "or something better" will come true.  


7. You are ALWAYS manifesting 

Whether you are consciously manifesting your desires, or unconsciously manifesting things into your life – you are always manifesting. Neuroscience has shown the power our thoughts have on our life and our realities. And, although we cannot control external factors that occur in our lives (things like COVID, traumatic events, other people’s actions) we can always control our responses and thoughts surrounding them.

If we continue to stay in a negative mindset versus a growth mindset – we are manifesting that into our lives. As one of my favourite authors, Jack Canfield (the Chicken Soup for the Soul creator)  says “event + response = outcome”. We are 100% responsible for our lives by how we choose to react and respond – whether that be in negativity, positivity, gratitude or determination. So why not choose to be aware of what you are manifesting and start going down the path you know you want to be on? Kickstart your manifesting jounrey today with your Free Manifesting Course.


Manifesting is so much more than what stereotypes make it out to be.

It is a powerful, powerful self development tool that you can use as you create your dream life.

Because it does work.

And when you combine manifesting with a little introspection into why you think they way you think (helping you to break self limiting patterns) – magic happens.

Looking back, I wonder how much more I may have manifested into my life, would I have embraced these 8 tips above when I started manifesting.

I hope by sharing them you will be able to manifest faster and more powerfully into your life.

Let me know below – what is something you love or struggle with when trying to manifest?



Interested in learning more practical tips and strategies for your mental well being and personal development - check out these articles: 

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