14 Summer Outdoor Activities for Kids and Families

conscious parenting Jun 29, 2022
Are you looking for easy outdoor activities for kids? If you do not want your kids on their electronics all summer, then check out these nature activities ideas for kids. Great outdoor activities for preschoolers, easy outdoor activities for kids and fun nature activities for families. Nature scavenger hunt printables available to help you have a fun summer.

Are you looking for some summer friendly activities that you can do as a family this summer that are budget friendly, sustainable and good for your emotional health? 


Well read on my friend. Today I am sharing some of my most favorite summer family activities to help you have an amazing, educational, purposeful, fulfilling and soul enhancing summer. 


Living a more intentional lifestyle starts with the decisions you make day in and day out. One way that I live more intentionally is being very attune to getting out in nature almost everyday. 


Nature has amazing benefits and trying to get outside everyday is soo beneficial to your emotional wellness. In addition to getting outside, or if you perhaps are unable to get outside, then I encourage you to do some reading on incorporating a biophilic interior design  and biophilic elements, into your home. 



Go on a picnic

Pack up some of your favourite finger foods and sandwiches and head outdoors for a picnic. Whether it is at a park, playground, a lake, the ocean or into the forest. It does not have to be anything fancy - just a simple change of scenery, some good nutritious food and fresh air! 

Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt

Who doesn't love scavenger hunts? Engage your kids with these adorable nature scavenger hunt pintables that give you facts about nature and develops curiosity about our natural world.  Print off the guide and facts and in your backyard, to a local school ground, to a forest walk or really anywhere and see what items you can find! 




Go creeking

Have a creek near you? Ever thought of going creaking? What is creeking? Essentially it is just going to a creek bed and allowing yourself and your children to explore. Catching minnows, tadpoles, looking at frogs, hunting for cool rocks and fossils, skipping rocks, wading through water building rock stacks. Not only does this get your and your kids out in the sunshine and fresh air, but you are immersing your kids in nature, allowing them to explore it while developing key skills like balance and stability, the life stages of nature, problem solving abilities and navigation skills. 


Grow something

You do not need to live on an acre of land to grow something. If you are new to gardening buy some herbs and have an small living garden. There are so many recourse on the internet to get you started with garden. The joy of seeing something grow and flourish while being able to eat it (or enjoy it if flowers) is so soothing to the soul. 


Bring nature indoors

Pick up some cool rocks or treasures from your nature walk as momentos to remind you of the great time you had. Bring in a  biophilic interior design  into your home. Do a diy project or craft with things you have found - nature bookmarks. CHeck out these nature bookmarks that are perfect for kids and adults alike! Incorporating a Biophilic Interior Design Aesthetic In your Home does not have to be hard!  Check out this post for more ideas! 


Adopt a sit-spot or ‘place-tending’  routine

Sit spot: Find a spot in nature you love and go there once per week to just sit and observe. Have a regular spot you go to that lights you up. Whatever this looks like for you - in a park, forest, near water. Find a special spot close to you where you can go and just be. And make a practice of it weekly. 

Place tending: returning to the same natural space near to where you live or work to observe its changes over time. This practice is said to encourage a strong connection to nature that in turn affects your whole life.


Watch sunrise or sunset

Long summer days are the best for taking in a beautiful sunset. Be intentional about it and find somewhere you can watch the sun go up or if you prefer get up and watch the sunrise. 



Go out on a cloudless night with your blanket and favourite drink and sit up and look at the stars… link to constellation glow in dark book somewhere? 


Go to a farmers market

Check out a local farmers market. There are so many cool and interesting and local stuff at these markets. Shop local. Support your community and get outside.  


Go to water… 

Go to a beach, a lake, a river or a creek and just sit and relax. Bring your book, or go on an adventure with the kids. Going near water is so incredibly good for our souls. Nourish your soul with nature and let those toes get wet. Have littles with you? Bring along this cute Ocean Scavenger Hunt Printable. 





Take a walk in a forest - Go Forest Bathing

Get outside in the trees. Did you know forest bathing is an actual scientifically proven emotional self care technique that benefits our mental health. Getting out in trees, breathing in the fresh oxygen and getting lost in the miracles of nature is a great summer activity to do alone, with the ones you love or with your kids!  Learn more about Forest Bathing here! 


Take a fitness class outside

Lots of local fitness instructors offer outdoor clases. Be brave, grab your bestie and sign up for one! Or - if you want a total free version, find a class online and just do it outside! Especially with COVID and sickness going around, being outside not only helps eliminate the potential of getting sick, but there is something primal about working out outside that fuels the soul. 


Ground Yourself by Walking bare feet in your back yard

Simply walking bare feet and connecting to nature is good for the soul. Grounding, also called Earthing, is a practical way to bring yourself back to the present, physical reality and get out of your mind. It is a therapeutic technique which reconnects you to the earth – grounding you physically and energetically. Grounding focuses on tuning into the earths magnetic energy field and connecting it to your personal energy field. Grounding does not have to be hard. Keep it simple. Go in your backyard. Feel your toes in the grass. Live in an apartment - there are lots of natural ways - going to parks, beaches, lakes… but if that is not possible either checking out some artificial grounding techniques like this is an option as well.

Open your windows and blinds 

If all else fails and you cant get outside, open up your windows and curtains and air out your home. Seriously… let the light in, the fresh air in and your house and emotional wellness will thank you. 


Do you have any ideas to add? I would love to hear about the intentional ways you connect with nature in the summer time. Leave a comment below and let me know! 


Interested in Learning more about Intentional Living and Biophilic Interior Design? I highly recommend checking out the following articles: 






15 Ways to Live a More Intentional Life

How to Set Intentions and Create Lasting Change.

7 Benefits of Intentional Living


What is Biophilic Interior Design and Why you need a Biophilic home   

How to Create a Biophilic Home - 11 Sustainable Design Ideas for your Home

Biophilic Lighting Design Ideas for your Biophilic Home Décor

Top 11 Plant Decor Propagation Stations for Under $40 


Discover how to set intentions that actually work. Grab my FREE identity-based goal setting framework below. 

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